Custom lettering for an album cover​​​​​​​
My job was to make a lettering of a phrase - slogan for the cover of a new digital album of my friend "Saro". 
The phrase is " Θλίψη Ζούμε Θλίψη Γράφουμε" which means we live in affliction and we write about it.

The project was totally on me, so I did not have any particular guidance on what to do or what style to go for. 
Here are some:
After getting some feedback I learned that my client wanted something more dark, without any colors. Something with a black background and white letters, expressing the affliction he wanted to have in his album.

This is the final result:
He actually liked it so much he asked me to make a mock up of a hoodie with it so he could add it to his merch. 
Saro Album cover

Saro Album cover

Creating a custom lettering for a digital album cover and a hoodie.
